Family cancer

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  • 19 subscribers

My grandma recently got diagnosed with bladder cancer, we not yet sure how severe it is. My mum also has stage 4 ovarian cancer which has spread to her lungs. I’m struggling to cope with the sheer amount of sadness in my life right now. Cancer has been a very big thing in my famity with a few close family having and passing from it . All combined, this is has given me a fear of the future as I can’t control what happens regarding this illness. 

I never really know what to say when typing this out but this is one of them I need to get off my chest. I don’t know how to cope with the fact that two very close family members of mine have this at the same time. It pains me everyday. If anyone has any advice on coping I would appreciate it so much. 

thank you for listening/reading

  • Hi  

    We all hear the statistic of 1 in 2 being affected by cancer in their lifetime but many find it difficult thinking it might be someone we know.

    For me I found the information in Your feelings when someone has cancer quite helpful in being able to recognize the emotions and accept them as normal and valid can help make them just a little bit less overwhelming.

    I did a living with less stress course that helped me. I realised I was fearing the future I could not control and probably imagining worse cases all the time and that was blocking me from appreciating what I actually had. Then of course life still likes throwing curve balls that I would never have predicted but the conscious breathing exercises are great in helping me do the step back and take a deep breath before focusing on the latest issue.

    Posting on here can help us share and get the feelings out but it it helps remember you can ring the helpline too.



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