Dad now under palliative care

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My dad is 72 and has terminal bladder cancer. They haven't done a biopsy as by the time it came to the appointment he was too weak, so now he's under palliative care. He's currently in hospital, and we've been discussing the best way forward, no one really seems sure if we're talking days, weeks or months, but he's incredibly frail and seems to be deteriorating very quickly. I feel guilty for considering the care home option they've given us, but I'm terrified of something happening to him overnight if he's at home. He's not really awake enough most of the time to be a part of the conversations to know exactly what he wants, but I live three hours away with my partner and young son, and my brother is due to become a dad for the first time any day now. I'm down with them at the moment until we sort out what's best, but I'm going to have to be back and forth, and I just want to know when I'm not here that he's safe, comfortable and looked after. This is so hard