Supporting someone whose family member has cancer

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Just hoping to find some wise words of advice on how best to support my partner. We got a shock the week of christmas with the news that his dad has end stage cancer (prostate, spine, in his pelvis and spread to lymph) however this is the first he had been told, 18months after the original diagnosis. We spent Christmas day in the hospice which is the first time we’ve seen his dad in a year. I can’t even imagine what he’s feeling; sadness, anger, guilt that he hasn’t seen more of him to name a few I’m sure, but he’s completely shut down and not sure how to cope with this himself having never been through anything like this before. It’s horrible seeing him like this, he wants space which I’m respecting and just quietly making sure he’s eating etc but just hoping for some advice on what else I could/should be doing for him if anything?

Sounds like nothing compared to other experiences, thoughts go out to you all going through anything like this :(

  • I recently found out my mum has Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma so if you want we can try and support each other. I am really struggling myself with how to process my mums diagnosis. So maybe we can help eachother