Being signed off work - Dad moving to palliative care

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Thanks for reading.

We've just heard that my Dad is likely to soon be moving to palliative care as he's not well enough to have cycle 2 of chemo as planned.

I really don't know how long he has. My gut feeling is that I want to take time off work now to support and be with him in his final month/weeks/days.

Do I just need to see a GP to explain my situation and asked to be signed off to I can support my Dad?

Thank you for any advice you can give.


  • Hi Tilly, so sorry about your dad.

    Being signed off does happen, much will depend on your job and your GP.  I am now retired and supporting my daughter through her cancer treatment (another story) but she was very ill 10 years ago, when I was still teaching full time. She was in hospital for several weeks and we weren't sure she was going to make it. I just couldn't cope and told a colleague I was going to ask for compassionate leave. She advised me to see my GP - I hadn't even thought of that. As soon as I started to explain to the GP, I started to cry and couldn't stop. She was lovely and very understanding. She signed me off for a month with 'family stress'. I had a further month off, half a term in all - all with a certificate - then a phased return to work when daughter was gradually recovering.

    I hope you can get something sorted. Sending love. x