Decisions for Dad

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My dad has been diagnosed with stage 4 lung Cancer. He had a stroke which affected his vision approx 4 weeks prior to the diagnosis. He has had a persistent cough for weeks/months otherwise no symptoms of cancer. Its the stroke that has made him frail. Prior to having that he was independent and generally well at the age of 75.

We saw oncologist this week who discussed his options. 

1. chemo

2. watch and wait and rescan in 3m

3. nothing

Dad has been a bit muddled and forgetful since his stroke and although he understands day to day and knows about the cancer I'm not sure how much of what was said he truly understands. He isn't sure what to do, and the consultant suggested we think about it some more before any decisions are made. He lives with my mum who is so worried about him having another stroke, which is a big risk from what the consultant has said so she would prefer the watch and wait approach. My brother has completely gone off on researching alternative options that have not been backed up by research or anything. And I don't know whether to encourage him to have the chemo and can see how he manages it, or whether its best to make the most of time and his health and try not to delay the inevitable.

I know no-one can help us guide my Dad, I'm just looking for support and thoughts that anyone has that we haven't thought about, or anyone has any experiences they can share that could help us 

Thank you

  • My Mum was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer ten years ago, and from that experience, I would suggest you go with the wait and rescan. 

    Wishing you and your family all the best.