How to deal with partner being different since diagnosis

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  • 22 subscribers


I know I'm not the only one dealing with this, and it must be a common issue that happens between partners

My fiance has stage lung cancer

Since his diagnosis and operation his attitude towards me has changed. He only had his operation a week ago but I do feel he can be quite snappy and rude to me without a reason. I'm trying to stay strong and ignore this as he is in alot of pain. 

How do you guys cope with this? Im just finding it hard as I'm doing my best to make him feel comfortable and supported but it's hard when there is this aggression for no reason. Just makes me feel hopeless! 

  • Hi  

    I see you talk about him being in pain, he should talk to his oncology team about that as that is something that can be dealt with though sometimes people feel that it should hurt - a bit like thinking that good medicine has to taste bad.

    One thing I know I had to adjust to was looking after myself, it is very easy to put everything in to looking after our loved ones and forget out own emotions - and then I know I came close to breaking point.

    I find looking at your feelings when someone has cancer  helped me understand my own emotions and recognize them as valid helped to rob them of some of their power to overwhelm me.



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