Dad appendix/colon cancer

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Hi everyone, 

My dad was diagnosed with cancer originating in his appendix which has spread to his colon and lungs. I found out Oct last year and found out he was terminal (2 years) Jan 2024. I’m a scientist by trade so he won’t tell me the name of his cancer as he said I can’t unsee what I would read and he’s trying to protect me (I’m 27yo so old enough!). I don’t live with my dad (and haven’t for years) and see him as much as I can. It’s only me (no siblings) and I am not particularly close with my step mum. 

I was just wondering how people get through every day with a parent diagnosis? Some days I’m fine and life feels ok and others I remember his prognosis and feel like there’s a countdown over his head? I’ve had counselling and was put on antidepressants earlier this year to help deal with it. I don’t want him to know how I struggle, he’s asked us to treat him the same and with no sympathy, and his out look on it all is absolutely fantastic. I’m in awe of how he views his prognosis but I’m heart broken to be losing him. I enjoy every moment I’m with him but it’s the aftermath. He’s lost a lot of weight recently and I didn’t recognise him the last time I saw him. This post is really jumbled but I just wanted to see if anyone’s in the same boat with a parent diagnosis? Any advice? Or just to know there’s other people out there who get it. 

thanks for reading my jumbled rant, I haven’t reached out since I found out and felt like it was time to connect with a community