Struggling with my own mental health

  • 1 reply
  • 22 subscribers

Hi all,

So my dad's been recently diagnosed with kidney cancer which has spread to his uretha tube and bladder. He is also under investigation for heart failure now too found during all the tests. So it's been alot to process and I think to begin with I was fine I think my brain was blocking it out and it didn't feel real however this weekend his pain has stepped up and the codiene isn't helping so he is now on morphine and it really has hit me like a ton of bricks. I feel so anxious, sad and i just keep crying. My dreams are all about him too and it like I can't escape it all. He has a consultant appointment on Tuesday and I'm so scared what else they will find 

  • Hi  

    A warm welcome to our community, I hope you find it useful.

    Many on here describe a cancer diagnosis as a tsunami washing away all those in the path. I know when my wife was first diagnosed I hardly knew what to think and it took me quite a while before I reached out for any help.

    Later I did a living with less stress course that really helped me. Looking at our pages on your feelings when someone has cancer I know I recognize a lot of what I felt, learning to recognize those emotions are natural I find helps me feel less overwhelmed and now I see crying as just love overflowing from my eyes.

    Often there is an element of anticipatory grief that plays on our emotions, I was finding this was playing on my emotions and stopping me from appreciating what we have.

    We all somehow find a way to cope in our new normal world - it is difficult and we struggle but together we can hold each other up just a little.



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