Life Timeline - Dad

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  • 22 subscribers

Hello everyone reading this, I haven't been here for a while and a LOT has happened since.
My dad has been taken to hospital three times the past 4 weeks, all for different things. At first, he had fungal pneumonia in his lungs. Then, he had blood clots and then he was having seizures and was very dehydrated.

Fast forward to the present, we now know that the cancer has spread to his brain. Unfortunately because he got so sick from the pneumonia and everything else ontop of it- he is currently resting in a hospital bed at home. He has little to no mobility anymore and he doesn't eat too well.

We were given the news a few days ago that he has a few weeks to 6 months left of his life. Hearing this shattered my heart, I couldn't stop crying for hours.
Now, I go and visit him whenever I can after work. He hasn't been told that he has a timeline of life, and we want to keep it that way, last thing we want is for him to pass unhappy. 

Anyone have any advice on how to deal with this? He's been battling stage 4 cancer now for two years and it never gets any easier.
I know it won't get easier, especially the upcoming weeks to months. But, is there anything that can help me cope? I love my father with my whole heart, my heart is breaking at the thought of losing him.

  • Hi Molly,

    Firstly, I am so sorry this is happening to your family Pensive. From what you have written, it sounds like you are making every moment count with your Dad, however, you mustn't neglect your own emotional health in all of this! It's so important to keep hold of the fact that after all is done, you will still need to go on. Talk, talk and talk, to whomever you have close to do so. Scream, rage and shout into a pillow when you have to. Use these amazing Macmillan folk! Just please remember you're not only staying strong for your Dad, but for yourself also! Sending you the hugest virtual hugs I can x