Mum - Diagnosed with Sarcoma Cancer

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  • 22 subscribers

My mum was diagnosed with Sarcoma cancer a year ago where she had a tumour in her leg. With rounds of radio therapy and surgery, they removed the tumour. She's been having 3 monthly check ups and bang on a year of getting clear scans there were some shadows on her lungs which turned out to be cancer. She has been in to have them removed but I just want to know the if anyone has survived Sarcoma and the likihood of it returning etc, I'm breaking inside as I can't imagine my life without my mum especially when she is still young. I can't speak to her about it because I don't want her to hear any negative thoughts or talk about it as I'm pretty sure she's living this awful feeling everyday. I keep reading things on Google and I know I shouldn't but I just want to know the liklihood of Sarcoma returning or spreading after this.

  • Hi  

    Welcome to our community though sorry to hear about your mum.

    My wife was diagnosed with Leiomyosarcoma over 10 years ago, in her case it was likely from her womb though by the time it was diagnosed she had already had a hysterectomy and the cancer was found in her lymph nodes and lots of mets in her lungs.

    For a while the oncologist did watch and wait but then moved to chemotherapy. The first worked ok but caused problems that meant it had to be stopped and those problems then treated at the priority. Later she had a different brand of chemotherapy and that rendered her cancer stable.

    If we look at your feelings when someone has cancer I know I tick a lot of boxes on there

    In terms of google it can be a powerful tool but we need to be careful - people do tend to share negative stories perhaps more often that the positive, this can be helpful to them in terms of what is called venting but is often not representative.

    I did a living with less stress course that really helped me. I found I spent a lot of time working out what our future mught hold and that was blocking me appreciating what we have.



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