Father likely has prostate cancer

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  • 19 subscribers

Hi everyone. 

just need a bit of advice really if anyone has been in this situation. My father was told via phone yesterday that a recent MRI came back with suspicious lesions that have a 75% likelihood of being cancerous. Also on close by lymph node but initial scans so nothing further out. 

He has been being monitored for a while for just this sort of incidence but we are currently in the waiting to find out everything else stage and I don’t really know what to do or what to think. 

I’m very close to him and he’s my best friend. I feel kind of calm about it at the moment but I’m also scared. I just don’t know how to feel. I’m not thinking about it all the time but then I feel guilty. I just don’t know. Sigh, 

Any advice at all about the situation or emotional side of things would help. Thank you in advance 

  • Hello  

    I am so sorry to read your post regarding your father in law - a cancer diagnosis is not what anyone needs and I can well understand your concern for him.

    Prostate Cancer is a very treatable cancer and I can tell you I have Prostate Cancer and it's spread to my lymph nodes. I am 28 months down the line from diagnosis - on a "Curative Pathway"  Things haven't been easy for me as I had a few "extra" complications however I feel great at this moment in time. (full story available by clicking my avatar).

    At this time my advice to you is:

    * Relax, he's on the Cancer Pathway and you now need to gently push his team for a full diagnosis and treatment plan. You may find the leaflet in this attachment helpful-


    * Come and join us on the Prostate Cancer forum - we are a friendly bunch. - Here's the link:

    Prostate cancer forum 

    Just click on the link. Once the page opens up, click on "join" on the black banner at the bottom of the page. You can then introduce yourself in the "New Here - Say hello" section.

    I hope the above helps - I look forward to "meeting" you again on the Prostate Cancer forum.

    Best wishes - Brian.

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