Cannot comprehend!

  • 2 replies
  • 27 subscribers

My dad has been diagnosed with Ca Liver and I just can't believe it is happening.  He is my hero and only 78 and they have said they won't operate.  He is waiting for an appointment with the Oncologist to see whether there is any other treatment available but I've a terrible feeling, from what the District Nurses have been saying, that there won't be.  I have never felt so anxious, depressed and upset in my life - not eating, sleeping, can't get my head around this!!

  • Hi Joltsy

    I am so sorry to hear that your Dad has been diagnosed with liver cancer. It is totally understandable to feel the way you do and to be experiencing all these emotions. I hope that Dad does not have to wait too long to see the oncologist and that you both get some answers and a possible treatment plan put in place. 

    It must have been upsetting to hear that they do not want to operate and there can be many reasons for this. It does not mean however nothing can be put in place in terms of treatments and support. There are many different treatments these days and it is about looking at the most effective treatment for your Dad's own personal circumstances and medical history. Discussions would normally take place at an MDT (Multi disciplinary team) meeting, where all the doctors involved with Dad's care will have a close look at everything and come up with a plan. This will likely then be discussed with Dad (and family) at his appointment. 

    During my own diagnosis I felt very much as you do now and it is a horrible feeling. Once I had seen the oncologist, had my questions answered and a plan to move forward- it did all feel a bit calmer and I felt more in control as there was something to focus on. 

    Why not give the Support Line a call and speak to someone about how you are feeling. They are lovely on there and will just listen if that is what you want. One of the worst things to feel is to feel isolated when facing something like this but with Macmillan you will not be alone. 

    It is important to get support for yourself as having a loved one with cancer can be really hard at times. It sounds as if the District nurses are being supportive and that is good to hear. Once Dad has seen the oncologist he should be given a CNS (Cancer nurse specialist) and their job is to sort of be the first port of call for support and advice. 

    Take Care



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thanks so much Jane, that information is so helpful x