Secondary breast cancer treatment stopping

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  • 19 subscribers

Mum was diagnosed with secondary breast cancer Oct 2022. Latest appointment shows the treatment may no longer be working and it is possible in three months treatment will stop. She is in her late 80s and we need to look at quality of life. Just not quite sure what to expect or how sudden things may be once the treatment stops. I am her only family support and work full time. trying to put things in perspective so I can support her in making her choices and be prepared as best I can. 

  • Hi NewYork19

    I am sorry to read that the treatment may not be working for Mum, it is never easy trying to preempt what may come next, and as you have already learnt, cancer has it's own agenda. 

    I am not sure if you have looked at alternative treatments, if not can I suggest that you watch a Netflix documentary called Fantastic Fungi, there is a section in that, which talks about breast cancer in an elderly lady who was not eligible for treatment, you may, or may not find this helpful, but it is due to this documentary that my husband, who has Oesophageal Cancer, takes additional treatment to compliment the medical treatment. 

    I hope you have some support for you, especially as you are the only support for your Mum, and I wish you both the very best moving forwards


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