Devastated mum of daughter BC with liver mets in shock

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AMy Daughter was diagnosed with lobular breast cancer and had a lumpectomy in August. the sentinel node was clear and her oncotest score was locum and didn't warrant chemo. So radiotherapy and now tamoxifen. 4 weeks ago she had an enlarged lymph node above clavicle and then pain in upper right abdomen, this week a CT scan has revealed two tumours on her liver and is now having a biopsy on Monday to determine whether this is metastic. she is a medic herself and this does not make  scientific or medical sense to have metastic cancer after clear nodes and also so soon. we are reeling in shock, it is unbearable. 

I know I now have to be positive and strong but I feel totally and utterly beside myself. she is 39, a singlle full time professional mum to two young children. I relocated 2 years ago  to be near her to support her because of her job and children, so all the other family members are not near us. 

I need to know how I cope and remain positive and calm .  Thank you for reading. 

  • Hi  

    I often wish it was as easy to do the "being positive and strong" bit as it is to write the words. Looking at your feelings when someone has cancer I know I recognize a lot of the feelings I went through but then in recognizing what we are feeling I found it could help it be less overwhelming. Sharing on here too I find can be quite helpful. We all feel the need for support at times.

    In my time here I have sometimes noticed that medics can struggle perhaps more than some others; it seems sometimes they might reflect on cases they have known and can perhaps have a greater scope for looking at poorer outcomes.

    For the children we have a guide on here talking to children and teenagers that I found quite helpful, our son was about 8 when my wife first got ill. We were lucky to get fantastic support from his schools too.



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