Mum has weeks

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  • 19 subscribers

Hi, last weekend we were told that my mum has just weeks left at the hospice where she has been receiving pain relief for a few weeks. While in my gut I expected this to happen soon, I was thinking in terms of months not weeks and it seems to have hit me harder than I thought it would. I am finding that I feel very brain foggy, especially in the afternoons and evenings I can't concentrate on anything and even reading or having to plan things is hard. Planning meals seems like hard work! Like thinking through treacle! I am going a few times every week to see my mum though we can't stay very long as she gets too tired. my dad is in bits as he thought mum was just going in for some help with the pain. They've stopped all chemo tablets now and she is sometimes quite confused about times/dates/what people are doing, but at other times we have a short nornalish chat. Just wondering whether my brian fog is normal!

  • Hello Miss A and welcome to the forum, I am so sorry to hear about your mum and as i also lost my mum to cancer  I can tell you brain fog and all the emotions you and your family are going through are perfectly normal. take care, Eddie