Parent diagnosis

  • 2 replies
  • 21 subscribers


My Dad's recently been diagnosed with an aggressive form of Prostate cancer. It was all thanks to a PSA test in November, he didn't have any symptoms but because my grandad died of prostate cancer he decided to have a test. He's about to start hormone therapy. I guess I'm struggling with the fact that if he hadn't had the test, this probably would have gone unnoticed and progressed alot further, it's a thought that keeps me up at night.

Has anyone ever felt this way? 

He's also a very healthy person and so I'm worried how seeing him ill will affect me?

  • Hi  

    Sorry to hear about your dad and granddad, personally I have a benign enlarged prostate that was discovered by dint or some of the classic symptoms

    It is of course good news that your dad's had been caught earlier than it might have been since that gives better hope of it being kept under control. In our house my wife has the cancer but hers is stable for now - and that has been over 10 years now.

    There is a lot of information on your feelings when someone has cancer I know I recognize a lot of them and how they affected me, however sometimes recognizing that those emotions are just normal can help make them feel less overwhelming.

    Do post on here whenever and perhaps have a look in our Prostate cancer forum since there will be friends at all stages there with lots of tips and support.



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  • I feel the exact way you do. My dad, coming from a military background, is the type of person to just ignore symptoms and hope they go away. He had a chest pain for a few months, ignored it, but unfortunately we were not so lucky. He had some tests and then we found out that he had stage 4 lung cancer, inoperable, terminal and it had already spread to his lymph nodes. In a way i'm glad we caught it even though it was so developed because he might not have made it to this Christmas.

    Listen to your body is what I have to say to everyone, if you are in pain it is probably for a very good reason. 
    Lots of love to everyone for this new year. You are all valid in your feelings an emotions no matter what cancer/stage.