Dealing with a parents diagnosis

  • 7 replies
  • 22 subscribers

Hi, my dad was diagnosed with bowel cancer in October - it’s been really upsetting but I’ve stayed fairly strong in front of the family because I had 2 half brothers - one of which is only 17 and was clearly very upset and one who has extremely bad anxiety. On Tuesday my dad had his operation which was successful apart from a few problems with healing. My dads just sent me a long message telling me to open up to people I trust and talk to people if I’m upset, but I don’t really know how - anyway I’m now in floods of tears and I’m not even sure why but I can’t stop - which feel stupid given the hardest part (the surgery) is complete. Feeling a little bit stupid about being so upset as this is the most I’ve cried and I suppose am wondering if anyone has felt something similar and can relate or whether I just need to be a bit less of a wimp. There’s people in far worse situations and I feel guilty for feeling I suppose 

  • Additional** I slept horribly last night with terrible dreams and woke up in the night sweating badly and with a sense of panic that something had happened - anyone else dealt with this before?   

  • Dealing with a parent's health stuff is rough. Your dad cares about you, so maybe try opening up to someone you trust. It's totally normal to feel all sorts of emotions. You're not alone, and it's okay to reach out.

  • Hi. I just wanted to reach out and confirm you are not alone in feeling like this. You've been strong and putting on a front&holding it all together for your Dad and your family but something has to give. Have a massive cry, rant and scream. Believe me you will feel better for it(&you definitely need to talk to someone about how you're feeling). I find it's actually easier talking to friends rather than are too involved &I'm trying to protect them.  Sometimes just bashing it out on the keyboard can help. 

    Please do speak to someone, the Macmillan helpline is a good place to start. Your Dad sounds a top bloke as he's seen you're being someone to everyone and you need to look after yourself too. 

    I pray the operation is a success and your Dad is on the mend.

    Look after yourself.....and tell your Dad you love him very much. X

  • Thank you so much, it helps just to hear I’m not the only one - it’s just making me feel guilty when he’s worrying about me - he should be focusing on himself but he’s massively overprotective as I’m his only daughter lol. I’ll reach out to my friends and try tell them how I’m feeling, I’m struggling to talk to family because I don’t want them thinking anything is wrong in the first place as I don’t want them to worry, I message my dad every day <3 thank you for reaching out to me, it’s sometimes easier to talk to strangers about how you’re feeling! It means the world thank you for taking the time x

  • Thank you - I’ll be giving it a go speaking to my friends Heart️ it’s helped knowing there’s people out there who understand - but also I wouldn’t wish it on anyone so it’s a shame there’s so many of us x

  • I get how you are feeling. My father got diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer two years next May. It’s a struggle seeing him go through extensive chemo, being really drained most of the week and everything. YOURE not weak, it’s not something we are prepared for. It’s not something you are taught from a young age. You are NOT a wimp. You’re allowed to cry. You’re allowed to feel things and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. You’re strong, it’s going to be a struggle for you and I’m not going to sugar coat that but you’ll survive. There are a lot of us who are in the same boat as you. Hang in there. 

    (from a 20y/o going through a similar situation) 

  • Hi thank you so much for your lovely message. It’s amazing how much hearing from someone in a similar situation can help and make you feel safe enough to reach out. Thank you for the reminder that it is okay to have feelings - I have anxiety and it’s easy to gaslight myself into thinking I’m overreacting, but joining this community has really helped <3 You’re doing amazing thank you so much for your message - all the best to you and your family xxx (I’m 23) xx