Personality change with Brain tumour

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  • 20 subscribers

Dealing with total personality change brain tumour

Hi my sister had been diagnosed with rare ALK lung cancer nearly 2 years ago. Led to brain about a year ago but the last month after latest MRI has increased so Just  been on Steroids and anti seizure meds for 2 weeks. Last week totally changed accusing horrible texts, changed will not sure how to deal with it as I am finding soo sad, stressful, and lost. Any help would be appreciated

  • Hi   

    That all does sound very difficult, I am sure you know already it is some combination of the cancer and the treatment.

    I did a living with less stress course that helped me some, the idea of feeling sad is to totally normal but what I learn was to recognize that and sort of be able to contain it a bit. Stress tends to make getting good sleep and I know once I start losing sleep the process soon starts to build up.



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