Nowhere to turn

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At 22yrs old my daughter got diagnosed with cancer on her appendix that had attached to her bladder, she successfully had appendix and part of her bladder removed, chemo radiation etc. it then spread to above her eye and head, again chemo etc was successful. Few weeks later it returned to back of her head, stronger chemo etc again. Then week later it went to her lung at nearly stage 3, again treatment diminished tumour. 2 weeks later after weekly scans showing absolutely nothing then now she has it in her leg muscles grade 4, she’s continuing high doses of chemo but in a week it’s spread to her lungs again and now attached to her spine the treatment does not seem to be working this time and spread to her other leg, she is booked in for operation 2nd jan but the rate it’s progressing by, she will be riddled. This has been going on now for over a year, I’m at my wits end. I’m so so scared for her, she has 2 twin girls who are 2 and she is 26 weeks pregnant, I have had to look after her and my grandchildren plus work myself, I’m at breaking point, I just don’t know what’s going to happen, she can no longer work, being so poorly and has had to give up her job, so her finances are little to none. Feel like I’m drowning. We have talked about seeing a solicitor to put in place me and her dad having he children if anything happens to her, it’s just too much, this cancer seems to just want to take her life 

  • Brummie Ann I am so so sorry to read  about your words can express how terrible sad this must be for all of you your daughter, little children..and you mummy that's supposed to feel I have too sort this out stay strong do all that has to be done when your ready to collapse with such heartache I pray you have got family there to help you through all this I don't know you but please know my thoughts are and will be of you trying to carry all this sadness  please if you can keep InTouch on here and know we are all praying for your daughter you and those little grandchildren God bless xo