
  • 1 reply
  • 19 subscribers

My mum is terminal but not at the point where she needs hospice care, in fact she is due to start nonremedial radiotherapy tomorrow to try and help her pain as the tumour is pushing into her nerves and causing a lot of pain.

she is still independent but every time I see her which is most days and speak to her everyday, she seems to more or less be in constant pain.

recently I have been having nightmeres of going to her house and finding her passed. Anyone else have nightmeres like this?

  • Hi  

    Sorry to hear about your mum and hope the radiotherapy helps. The effect of pain is easy to underestimate so not easy.

    When I did a living with less stress course one thing that came over quite strongly was the living in the here and now. I was good at planning how I might cope after my wife died - and that stopped me enjoying the here and now. Strangely perhaps a major accident locally also really helped me realise that we are all at risk.



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