My Dad isn’t following his treatment plan and I’m so worried

  • 2 replies
  • 19 subscribers

Hey Everyone 

hope everyone is having a nice evening 

I need some help - my Dad started chemo via tablets last week and has to take 9 tablets a day. Some of the tablets are quite small and he’s ok with them but the others are really big and he really struggles to swallow them - we have tried everything, food, throwing head back with mouth full of water, yoghurts you name it but he’s still struggling and getting really fed up.

My Mum called me today panicking because he decided to crush up his meds into his food and take them that way when the instructions say specifically to not crush them and Dad promised me he wouldn’t do it but he’s done it anyway. 

Am I selfish for feeling really sad and feel like he isn’t taking his treatment plan seriously and doesn’t care for me and my Mum? I am guessing he wants to have an element of control which I get but my Mum got so angry at him and at me. I immediately called the cancer department and they reassured me everything would be ok but he must take his meds properly.

Any advice on how I can get my dad to follow his treatment plan properly would be amazing - I don’t live with my Dad so I can’t keep an eye on him so any advice would be amazing :) 

  • Hi  

    Sorry to hear about your dad. My son also had trouble taking tablets and it sounds like you have tried most of the common routes around.

    Not really sure of any other suggestions but wonder if there might be some advice you could get if you contact our phone helpline,



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  • Hi Steve - Thank you for your message - We have now come up with a military operation of porridge, yoghurt, tea and leaving Dad on his own in the kitchen to have privacy whilst he swallows the tablets and is now doing much better Blush

    I spent ages researching different techniques but we found he likes porridge with honey and yoghurt (whatever works best) - Thanks again for your support x