Dad's cancer is spreading

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Hi a year ago dad was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer and has refused treatment and surgery which I can just about accept as he saw his wife go through it all, now he has just been told its spread to his colon, I feel lost I can help but think what will happen, he won't have surgery even on the colon cancer , I can't imagine how it's going to play out, what pain he will be in amd what will happen towards the end, I'm sat here crying because I can't be there with him as he lives 500 miles away, I can't get there fast and I don't know how much longer I will have him, they said 18month and that was a year ago and now he has colon cancer they just don't know, sorry for rambling.

  • I hear you, my uncle has terminal liver cancer that was diagnosed over a year ago and has spread to lymph nodes in his thorax and lung, he can't have surgery either and has tried chemo and hated the side effects. He said today he is being put back on the chemo pill or possibly on a trial if they can find one that will suit him but today he was told the worst case scenario is 3 months... but he still won't face it and said he is could go on for years!

    I love his positivity, but wish he would deal with his affairs while he can as he lives in Spain and I am in the uk and he won't come home! I can't get to him quickly either and worry about how he will cope and how I will pay for his treatment/care if I am here and he is there! So I understand your concern with that.  I have to say having thought about it I have to respect his choices if he wants to live in denial of reality, I will just have to sort things as the time comes...and I also have to look after myself too as I find it so upsetting and worrying, and I lose sleep over it as I am sure you do too, please take care of yourself too.

    I also have young children and they have to come first especially if my uncle won't prepare for himself having had the heads up of this prognosis... as we have tried talking to him about getting plans in place for the last couple of years! I think we just have to support from afar and listen to them. I am sure in the UK you will be ok as there will be care plans locally who may help him. Like Macmillan and hospice support depending on where you are. It seems very different in Spain. I just worry as I can't drop everything to run to him and stay for a long period of time.... So hard! I feel for you!