Struggling with Mum's cancer recurrence

  • 3 replies
  • 19 subscribers

Hi everyone.

I'm hoping for some advice or even just wondering if what I'm feeling is normal. My mum was diagnosed with a melanoma in February 2022, had surgery then immunotherapy and we thought it was all over. Then this May we found out the cancer had returned in a lymph node. She had an operation in June to remove all the lymph nodes so as far as we know she's now cancer free.

But for the past five weeks she's been coughing non stop. She's seen a doctor and spoken to her specialist nurse and for now they're not doing anything, just waiting to see if it gets better but this has thrown the whole family. Now my poor mum is paranoid the cancer has spread to her lungs, and in the last few days I feel convinced it has too and that she won't be here much longer.

I was coping well with the cancer returning at first, but now I'm mentally just falling apart and I don't know how to be strong for my mum when I'm crying all the time and such a mess. I turned 30 two weeks ago and after months of agony, not being able to walk, or do much at all i found out that I have rheumatoid arthritis. A week before that I was officially diagnosed with autism. I am just so overwhelmed by everything happening all at once, and I cant wrap my head around my own health stuff because Mums cancer feels like it just looms over everything.

I don't know if I can deal with this any more. I just wish I could stop crying and feeling so afraid all the time. I've started having panic attacks when I hear my mum coughing, which I obviously have to try and hide so I don't freak her out. I feel so stupid. It's probably just a normal cough and I'm being paranoid.

Is this level of anxiety normal? Sorry for ranting. Just needed to get some of this off my chest.

  • Hi Pip93,

    Sorry to hear about your mum and your health issues, it's a lot for you to deal with all at once. Big hugs to you. Whatever you feel is completely normal, it's part of being human and loving our parents. It's hard to see them suffer and the fear of losing them is so scary. 

    My dad has terminal  bowel cancer, his life expectancy is less than a year.  I'm naturally an anxious person. When he feels sick after eating, I go into panic mode, I'm thinking "oh my god, his tumour is getting bigger, he can't digest food. I don't want him to die". I would be upset and want to cry but I have to stay strong for my dad. When I leave my parents house and no one can see me,  I have a good old cry. It's been about 10 months since my dad's diagnosis, I have to say that my emotions are a bit better now compared to before. I'm slowly accepting the situation and accepting that it's outside of my control. It doesn't make me less anxious but a part of me has become more resilient, I'm not falling apart as often as before. I still get into a bad state but I recover a bit faster. 

    I know it's difficult, try to take a day at a time, maybe your mum's cough is nothing sinister and there's nothing to worry about. We have a tendency to focus on the worst case scenario. As for your health issues, make sure you look after yourself! I recently had a cancer scare, I'm still waiting for the biopsy results. I think I've reached the stage of being totally overwhelmed, I don't have the energy to deal with such intense emotions and ironically it's helped me to be more calm. Not sure if that makes sense! But I know that my anxiety will kick in again if my dad is sick or mention he doesn't feel well. It's like a vicious cycle! 

    I'm just rambling on, I'm not sure if this helps but just wanted to share that you're not alone. The Macmillian helpline is available if you want someone to talk to. I called them several times when my dad was in hospital, they are so helpful. Good luck with everything!

  • Hi fallingleaves88

    Thank you so much, that's made me feel so much better just to hear someone else's perspective, although I'm so sorry abour your dad's diagnosis. That sounds incredibly tough to deal with. I think at the minute because I live with my parents and my physical health means I'm housebound it's hard to keep my negative emotions away from my mum and the last thing I want is to upset and frighten her. But talking on here has helped already, and I'll take each day at a time as you suggested.

    Thank you again, that's a really kind and thoughtful response x

  • Also, I'm so  sorry about your own scare. It sounds like you're dealing with a lot x