Mum - liver

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  • 21 subscribers

Newbie here! Im 27 years old and my mum has liver cancer. She was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer in 2016 so we’ve lived with the world ‘cancer’ for years. She had liver cancer last year, had surgery all was well until a routine scan that found 3 further lesions & this time seems so different whether it’s because I’m older and understand more now? Anyway the most recent oncology appointment I asked if it was terminal to which they confirmed it was. I can’t explain how I feel, it differs daily! How do I deal with how I feel and day to day life, as well as be strong for her and others? Is it easier to know when someone’s illness is terminal?! Sorry to rant, I thought I’d join & hope that someone at least understands! X 

  • Hi   so sorry to hear about your mum, that's a lot to take in and cope with. Sometimes people with stage 4 cancer can have treatment that means they can live a good quality of life for many years but sadly sometimes this is not the case and the time is shorter or treatment won't help. It’s totally normal to have a range of emotions, from sadness to anger and everything in between. 

    I hope you have other family or friends around to support you both but I also wanted to share this link to some materials from MacMillan that you might find useful. And you and your mum can call and chat with the lovely Macmillan Team any time on 0800 808 0000.  Wishing you strength for the future.

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  • I think it gives you a chance to get your head around it.. my mum was told a year ago she has terminal liver cancer. I'm the sort of person that needs to know what's what, mum asked outright and was kind of relieved they didn't give her a timeline.. I'm struggling with this as mum has moved in with us and it has been hard seeing the changes.. my son is 8 and I told him mum has cancer. I lost my dad a few years back and my brother 2 years back. So he already has had alot to deal with.  My biggest bit of advice is try to be brave and supportive and allow yourself time to get used to it and get mad too. You will feel every emotion several times a day. I always say I heal at night.. or when I'm alone I get time to think.. it isn't easy but being there when most people don't know what to say or do is so important. I find talking to other people a big help x