Looking for positivity and/or hope

  • 1 reply
  • 19 subscribers

Hello, this is my second post. 

I'm just going to come out and say it: Does anyone EVER fully recover from stage 4 cancer? I've been reading and reading and it just seems as though people who have gone through all of the pain of treatment (including surgery) may be "alright" for a couple years or so and then....Well, you know. 

Please, I need to hear something encouraging. 


  • Hi  

    My wife has stage 4 Leiomyosarcoma, first round of chemotherapy caused some "interesting" side effects but the doctors managed to (mostly) fix those - her lungs are no longer rated as good for getting on an aircraft though!. The second chemo they tried shrunk the tumours a bit and since they they have not grown. Given current technology there is no cure but nothing about her cancer is slowing her down - living with cancer - we will take that as it is the option on the table.



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