Respite Options

  • 1 reply
  • 19 subscribers

Hi everyone, I have just joined the forum. 

I was looking for some advice on respite options. My father in law has been diagnosed with terminal cancer. He is not having any further treatment so it is palliative care. He is unable to walk and is in a wheelchair. My mother in law is caring for him at home and is exhausted and needs a break. Are there any options for someone to come in at night and do the night shift and where would we look for these type of services? 

thanks for your help 

  • Hi  and welcome to our community though sorry to hear about your father in law.

    Can I ask if he has had a needs assessment and your mother-in-law a carers assessment from the local authority. These would highlight the support they need and should be able to show what is available locally to them.



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