Recent diagnosis

  • 1 reply
  • 18 subscribers

My dad has just been told he has cancer. He will have chemo and then an op. He already suffers with bad mental health and long term mental illness and doesn’t want any fuss or emotion infront of him as this won’t help his own mental health. I feel broken, he is my best friend. I’m struggling as I’m sure my siblings are. Does anyone have any experience in ways that we can be a support and there for him without been overall fussing or clearly there cause we are worried for him and just want to be with him at this time. He wants us all to carry on as normal, if we don’t I think he’ll breakdown and that is something i don’t think he can face right now. Also whilst going through chemo is there anything that would help him at home in between sessions. He he very active and rarely stays in so again this is another worry for his mental health….. also for me I feel I’m not been a good mum right now as I’m stressed and snapping and worried and struggling with having to be strong and put a front for my young kids, my dad and for work.  Any guidance welcome. Thank you.

  • Hi  

    Often on here patients talk about wanting to be treated normally. For the family around emotions are often a difficult struggle that I recognise trying to deal with my wife being ill, my son and work. Sometimes I found work when I felt in control was much the easiest of all though I cannot say I was that effective nobody was really asking questions. In the end of course something had to give and pretty much the only thing that could give was work.

    Do post on here whenever because we know how hard things are but do not forget you are more than welcome to phone the helpline if talking to someone might work for you.



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