My aunt has cancer, but she doesn't know I know

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  • 19 subscribers

I found out today that my aunt has cancer but the key thing here is that someone else told me not her. I'm extremely close with her and this news has devastated me and i don't know how to act and feel. She was diagnosed years before when i was a baby which was almost 20 years ago, but she went trough treatment and has been in remission for 19 years with no worries or any signs the cancer was returning. 

But after nearly 2 decades it's back and it's worse then ever and i was little when this happened the first time so i didn't understand the severity of the situation unlike now and i can't deal especially when i know she doesn't know i know. 

  • Hi  

    Sometimes people with cancer do not want their loved ones to know because they are worried about how they might behave in the future. Your aunt after all is still the lady you know and love and one thing I have seen quite often it people who attempt to distance themselves from cancer - it is often not the easiest conversation to have.

    I wonder if it might help you to look at our pages on talking about cancer and then perhaps you might be ready for the conversation when it comes or even be in a position where you can bring the subject up yourself without being overwhelmed.



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