Dealing with partners cancer

  • 2 replies
  • 20 subscribers
  • Hi my partner was diagnosed with bowel cancer last year she went through chemo and radio therapy to shrink the tumour hoping to kill it at same time unfortunately treatment never worked and it came back , this time she had a massive operation to remove her bowel . Follow up appointments and scans then revealed that again cancer is back this time in her pelvis its not removable this time so has to be controlled by chemo . 
  • Hi  and welcome to our community though sorry to hear about your partner. My wife has Leiomyosarcoma and it was only found after it had well spread. For us chemo had some interesting turns but at the end of the day it put the cancer to sleep and with a bit of help we finally got to the "living with cancer" stage - been there for about 10 years now.

    One of the things I learnt the hard way was looking after myself; if we look at your feelings when someone has cancer I know I recognize a lot of what I went through. I managed to get a space on a living with less stress course that really helped me though it does not stop life in general still deciding to take a pop at me from time to time.

    I find it amazing how sharing our emotions here on a online forum with strangers can be so helpful but it seems to work so thank you for joining our special family.



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  • I am so sorry to hear about your partner. It must be a really scary time for you both. It sounds very traumatic and I’m really sad with you. My husband also recently were diagnosed with stage 4 melanoma and it is not easy. At times Im in denial and other times just lonely and depressed. At times I feel guilty to be the one that is healthy. Not easy to see your partner suffering. Thinking of you.