Dad has pancreatic cancer

  • 2 replies
  • 19 subscribers

I feel like im living a nightmare. Long story short my dad received chemotherapy multiple times but his tumor has grown and he will not be getting any more chemotherapy. He has basically been admitted from the hospital with no treatment but pain killers. I am not out of hope because i believe anything can happen at any time by the will of God. But i am just so stuck in this depressing reality that i do not know how to get myself together and continue living normally. I have no energy to look for a job again. I hardly have the energy to leave the house. What can i do to get my mental energy back and cope with this? Is it normal to pity yourself all the time in my situation? 

  • Hi  

    Sorry to hear about your situation with your dad. It's hard to hear that no more can be done. Unfortunately this is to be expected and will one day in the not too distant future will be my reality as well. I have had chemo and radio and am currently stable. However, I have been advised that the effectiveness of chemo diminishes each time I will have it, so I will eventually run out of options. Regarding your dad, I would make sure his GP knows that he has been discharged as he may need stronger painkillers or district nurse visits.

    Regarding yourself and to your energy levels, is there any physical reason for the fatigue? Is it worth seeing your GP as it may be you are depressed and need some help. Do you have a routine? Do you like walking? Walking helps me as it clears my mind and has the benefits of vitamin D from the sunshine. Have a think about what your interests are and how you can get back to them. These will help you to get a little enjoyment in life which may help you get your focus back.

    Cancer is hard to deal with for the people it affects, whether that is the patient or their family and friends. Make sure you keep in contact with people for support for yourself. Keep posting here as the community know what you are going through. Best wishes to you and your dad.

    A x

  • Thank you for your kind words. I am sorry to hear about your situation and i am wishing you all the best dear  Heart.
    Thank you for your advice, i believe i need to get into a more healthy routine again like you said and do things like walking etc..
    I do talk often with family members, amd i feel like the macmillan cancer support groups are also a good way for me to get things off my chest.
    Like i mentioned earlier, i also believe anything can happen at anytime by the will of God.
    Wishing you a great day aheadHeart