A heartbroken daughter

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  • 19 subscribers

Hi, I’m new here and found out yesterday that at the moment there is nothing they can do for my mum. 
My mum was diagnosed with tounge/throat cancer in December after several months of being told it was acid in her stomach. She had to have eight teeth out and then eventually Chemo started in February. She was suppose to have three rounds of IV chemo and unfortunately the first round completely knocked her. She was in hospital several times due to her blood pressure, loose stools and low magnesium. The consultant said no more chemo was allowed and that my mum body wasn’t strong enough for it. She needed to put weight on and then she would be reviewed in a few weeks time to see if radiation can start. My mum is on ensures unable to eat properly and drink so uses her peg (not enough though). Anyway she started radiation around two weeks ago and went for her radiation on Tuesday where after it she got up and collapsed. She being kept in hospital at the moment as she was very confused, has an infection in which now she been coughing up blood and she on oxygen. The consultant wanted an emergency meeting with my parents yesterday and told them radiation needed to be stopped my mum body is not strong enough and if he feels my mum is strong enough in a few weeks there could be an alternative treatment. My mum went back to her ward and my dad stayed and spoke to him and said ‘don’t give up on her’ the consultant responded with ‘I’m only human and inevitable is going to happen’ 

so am I basically going to loose my mum? I literally have no one to talk to my mum a very private person and doesn’t want anyone knowing she has cancer. 

  • Hi  

    So sorry to read your story, it does sound exceptionally tough and your poor mum has been through such a lot too. I am sure the consultant is also disappointed/frustrated by the inability to make real improvement in this case.

    When I lost my dad it was after a very long illness and it was hard, when I lost my mum it was out of the blue and it was also hard.

    Recently I went to a friends funeral - the celebrant said "grief is the price we pay for love" and that really struck a chord with me.

    Do post whenever, someone is always listening but remember you can call the helpline to if talking to a real person might help



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