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Well .. where do i start. I was seriously overdue my smear test by ten years. Went for my smear and received a letter to say there was abnormalities and hpv was found, i then attended an appointment to have a biopsy taken. The result from that was that i had to have a LEEP procedure done. I have high grade CIN3 pre cancerous cells. I thought after the LEEP procedure that would have been me until i had to get a smear test again in six months until i received another letter saying that these high crade cells are in the deeper margin. I received another letter to go back to the hospital and was told i would have to have another LEEP procedure done. My consultant then told me that basically if this second LEEP procedure i have had done doesn’t work then my only next option is to have a hysterectomy. Iam 31 years of age and have two girls who are 11 and 9. I have been going out my mind with worry and questions running through my head. why is it once you are out your appointment you have all the questions to ask but when sitting in that room my brain freezes with all the information the doctor has just told me. Has anyone else been in this situation? What can be the outcome of this result iam waiting on? Can they now tell me that infact it is actually cancer and not pre cancerous cells anymore because they are in the deeper margin. I have tried contacting my GP for advise but they have no spaces for anyone to give me a call back. Has anyone had a hysterectomy because of precancerous cells? What’s your experience? 

  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the online community which I hope you'll find is both an informative and supportive place to be.

    I'm sorry to read that you're waiting for a further procedure after being diagnosed with CIN3.

    As you know, the online community is divided up into different support groups, so I hope you don't mind me suggesting that you also join and post in the cervical cancer group as you'll then connect directly with others who have CIN3.

    If you'd like to do this, just click on the link I've created and, once you've joined, you can start a new post in the same way as you did here, and join in with existing conversations by clicking on reply.

    It would be great if you could pop something about your diagnosis and treatment so far into your profile as it really helps others when replying to you and also when looking for someone on a similar pathway. It also means that you don't have to keep repeating yourself. To do this click on your username and then select 'Profile'. You can amend it at any time and if you're not sure what to write you can take a look at mine by clicking on my username.


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  • Thank you! I’ll do that.