Struggling with daughters breast cancer diagnosis

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  • 22 subscribers

My 32 yr old daughter has been diagnosed with HER2 positive breast cancer . She has just had round 2 of Chemo , makes her very sick and incredibly tired ! As a mother I just want to be there and help but she wants to be left alone when she feels like this . I have to respect her wishes but it’s hard , any advice much appreciated guys

  • They need space , especially Heart️ from their love one.Stay positive, she will be fine x

  • Hi I am in exactly the same position, my daughter has been diagnosed with Triple neg breast cancer. Like you I want to help and I’m sorry hug my daughter but she has just pushed me awa

  • Away. I have been heartbroken, of course she has no idea of this! 
    I have no advice to give you but feel proud that she has become this independent person 

    take care 

  • My daughter is 26 and has a rapidly advancing cancer. I recognise your situation. I am trying so hard to make her life just a little bit less shit but I know she needs to feel like a grown up to try and deal with this and I think, as her Mum, I make her feel weaker. I think we have to repect their wishes, let them know we are here when they need us and accept that at the moment we are all in survival mode and every emotion is very raw. It is a heartbreaking situation to be in, it strips you of every resource. I cannot provide any advice as fumbling through this myself. I just wanted you to know that you aren't on your own and really hope that you and your Daughter get to spend some precious time together soon xxx

  • I agreed with you, just give her as much good time as you can and always behave normal just like its not a big deal and don't be sympathetic. I miss my son so much, especially when I am alone