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  • 19 subscribers


My Mum has stage 4 Vulva Cancer which spread to the Liver. She has undergone Radiotheraphy twice & due to this being around her groin, she suffers from Lymphoedema in her legs.

Her walking has sadly got very bad so we are looking into buying a lightweight foldable wheelchair for her (she is fully on board with this).

She does not want to rent which I respect so I would be grateful so any suggestions.

Thank you.

  • Hi  

    At one point my wife needed a wheelchair and there are quite a choice on the market. We decided to go for a simple transit wheelchair - so a small back wheel rather than the self propelled model.

    We did a quick search on google and found multiple options and we chose one from LLoyds Pharmacy as it was not too expensive and they also offered an option to avoid paying VAT. We also have a great local shop quite close to us - again a search for "mobility shops near me" can be quite helpful. Our house is well equipped with litter pickers we have bought from there since neither of us has the best mobility when it comes to picking things up off the floor.

    Hope that helps.



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