A space to vent.

  • 7 replies
  • 20 subscribers

Hi everyone,

I wanted to post today because I'm just feeling really overwhelmed and I wanted to speak to anybody who even slightly knows how I feel. My family have had cancer diagnoses in the past and have subsequently passed away, but none of these people were in my immediate family circle, so it was always quite a lot different to how I feel as I write.

In 2021, my grandad got COVID-19. He had COPD at the time and was hospitalized. He recovered thankfully and had a full body scan to assess the damage the illness had on his body. They later found out from this that he had lung cancer which had been there for around 18 months! He started chemotherapy and later radiotherapy; they both worked but they didn't work absolute wonders. We knew from the beginning that my grandads treatment was to extend his life - not save it, so any help that the treatment gave was a win. He's currently undergoing immunotherapy; the doctors let us know that he had a high level of something in his blood (I forget what) which indicated that the treatment would be successful. He's undergone 3 rounds of immunotherapy now and had a scan a week after the third bout. The results were today which told us that it isn't really working and the cancer had ever so slightly grown in size. They're going to try a few more rounds and then scan him again, but if it doesn't work then there isn't much else they can do for him.

My grandad played a huge part in raising me - while I still have both parents, I was always at his house growing up while they worked, and we've always joked that I'm his youngest daughter. At 22, I'm finding it hard to even consider my future without him. Thoughts such as 'my grandad will never see my qualify as a psychologist, he'll never see me get married, we'll never have that moment where I have my own baby and introduce them to him.' 

As a trainee psychologist, I support so many others through their struggles in life, including loss. But to go through it yourself is just a feeling that I wouldn't wish upon another person. I'm at work right now, crying into my laptop as I type away onto a forum, feeling like my life is over at 22. My heart hurts and my family aren't the most cuddly when it comes to emotions - I just feel so alone. I wish things were different.

  • Hello AKCob,

    I'm Eliza from the Community team at Macmillan, thank you for reaching out to the Online Community. I'm sorry to hear about your grandad and everything you are going through at the moment. I hope you will hear back from someone else who can understand how you feel very soon. 

    It sounds like you may also find it really helpful to reach out to our Support Line today. Our support team are available 7 days a week, 8am-8pm on freephone 0808 808 00 00email or live webchat. They are here to listen and help you find the right support alongside the Online Community. They're also here just to talk about how you feel.

    We also have lots of support and advice on Macmillan's website page on your feelings when someone has cancer.

    You're not alone in what you're going through. If you feel you would like further support or if there's anything we can do to help, please reach out to the Community team over email to community@macmillan.org.uk.

    Best wishes,

    Macmillan Community Team

  • Thank you so much for your support Heart

  • Hi  

    I was reading a book the other day "Working on Yourself Doesn't Work" and it really spoke to me. I often help people in my workplace and sometimes issues occur that are a bit close to home and I then need to find someone to reach out to. It can be amazing typing something to our friends on here - and yes I have cried over the keyboard before now.



    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi AKCob,

    I am so sorry you are going through this.

    I am a lot older than you but I feel very similar to you. Thoughts about my loved one not seeing me start a family and things like that keep flashing through my mind too. Just know that we are all here to support each other and Macmillan offer great advice and help online too.

    Again, I am sorry you and your family are going through this.


  • Hey AKCob, 

    First of all I’m so sorry about your grandads diagnosis. You’re allowed to feel how you do. A lot of your story echoes mine- I’m 26 and a therapist and my boyfriend was diagnosed with cancer in august. Your studies / job are incredibly taxing and you give so much of yourself to others and take on so much, it’s easy to burn out. I’m definitely guilty of trying to heal myself through others sometimes and bury my head in work but this isn’t healthy. It can be hard knowing what to do and doing it and even as an assistant psychologist, you’re still human. Don’t hold yourself to such high expectations, allow yourself space to grieve and process these emotions without expecting yourself to “know” better. 

    it sounds like you’re providing s lot of support to others and I’m wondering what support you have yourself? 

    if you need a cry over the keyboard - do it. I’ve cried more times than I care to admit - coffee shops, the gym, the tube. 

    Sometimes we need it x 

  • Thank you, Rose. I feel really comforted knowing I’m not alone. I’m so sorry you feel the way I do Heart

  • Thank you so much for your reply. It certainly can be taxing giving so much of yourself to others in this career - I’m so grateful to connect with someone likewise. It’s a shame it’s under this circumstance. I’m currently balancing MSc Clinical Psych with my part time assistant psych job and my bank MH health care assistant job, so I have very little time to dedicate to self care. In terms of support, my parents unfortunately aren’t very empathetic people, as amazing as they are in other areas, I can’t turn to them for emotional support - they are very cold in this regard. Because I struggle to open up to my own parents, I fear opening up to friends in case they invalidate me as well. I’m grateful for this forum, MacMillan reached out with some really helpful links and hearing from others in the comments is comforting me. Thank you so much for commenting Heart