Mum as lung cancer

  • 2 replies
  • 20 subscribers

I’ve recently found out my mum as lung cancer we don’t know what stage ect yet I just feel I need someone to talk to as the only person I go to with my problems is my mum but ovb don’t want to cause her any more stress 

  • Hi Bld very sorry to hear about your Mum’s lung cancer diagnosis. My mum was recently diagnosed too with Stage 4 NSCLC. I found the waiting the hardest part as your mind is trying process the news but you still don’t know what you are dealing with yet. I was the same I didn’t want to upset her with my worries but it’s totally understandable as it’s your Mum. I did lots research into the different types of lung cancer on MacMillan and Roy Castle - I would stick to these as there is lots of misinformation out. I think once you know what type of cancer/stage and what treatments she can have then you will have a plan to work towards. Have you tried ringing the MacMillan helpline as it might help taking to them? Wishing your Mum all the best. 

    1. Hi, I’m in the same situation. Just found out this week but we don’t know what stage etc. The waiting is torture. Started googling things for info which was a very bad idea, trying to stick to these forums for now as they are comforting. Hopefully after a month you are a bit further forward and have a positive plan in place.