How to deal with grief.

  • 2 replies
  • 20 subscribers

Hi all. 

don’t know if anyone can help me, my dad came to live with us 7 weeks ago, and he had cancer of his lung with secondary in his liver and bone. 

he passed away 2 weeks ago and I don’t know how to cope. Even me and my husband have started falling out more than ever before. 

I don’t know how I am supposed to be feeling but I’m just crying all the time, sometimes for hours. I talk to my dad like he is still here and I talk to him when I am in bed at night too. The pain is like something I have never felt before. 

  • Hi  

    There is no "right" way to do grief but if you find it helps it can be useful to seek others at a similar stage. Perhaps look at our Bereaved family and friends forum where there will be others in similar positions.

    When my dad died after a long illness there was a sense of relief that he was not suffering anymore but then a sense of guilt for feeling that too - could be a bit messy. The thing that I found really helped was at the funeral appeaching so much of what he had added to our lives - I am sure your dad was remarkable too - after all look at the daughter he raised.

    It takes time and often when we are least expecting it something will trigger a memory and make us sad. If you find you get stuck at some point it might help to contact cruse bereavement care or the loss foundation as they are experts in support at this difficult time.



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  • Hi .

    First of all I woukd like to say I am sorry for your loss.

    My Dad passed away 4 weeks ago. He had been diagnosed with Stage 4 Oesophagus cancer and Colon Cancer. He went down hill pretty fast come October 22.

    The family knew he did not have long to live and we braced ourselves every day but it still comes as a shock when it finally happens.

    I take comfort in the fact that he did not have to suffer too long and that he is at peace now.

    I have not cried alot i am more numb at the moment but my sister has cried a hell of alot and she is angry too.

    There is no right or wrong way to grieve. Accept the emotions as they come and let them happen.

    Keep your loved ones close and try not to take it out on them. Maybe you are feeling angry aswell.

    It might be a good idea to speak to a professional i.e.a counsellor about how you feel. I found they have helped me.

    Overtime the pain will ease be patient and look after yourself.

    Take Care  

    t Firs I would like to say how sorry I am to hear of the passing of your Dad