Family advice - Vulvar Cancer

  • 1 reply
  • 19 subscribers

My mum has recently been diagnosed with vulvar cancer. She has an appointment tomorrow in London to discuss the stage of the cancer and her treatment plan. It is expected that she will have surgery and possibly radiotherapy, but this will be confirmed tomorrow. 
Mum is only 50, and has lived a very healthy lifestyle, so this has been a huge shock to us all. My dad lost both of his parents to cancer within 3 years of each other, so this is incredibly difficult for him.

I’m unsure whether I’m asking a question, or just looking for a friendly conversation! 

  • Hi  

    On the friendly conversation level probably you have landed in just the right place. Some of the questions bit might be directed at Ask a Nurse but you could also look at our Vulva cancer forum 

    As well as your dad losing his parents you of course lost two grandparents. I we look at our pages on Supporting someone there is a lot of information for everyone.

    On here I find it a big plus, we can talk freely about cancer without the pity that so often closes down a conversation with the others where cancer is almost more conversation ending that anything I know.



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