RE: How to cope with husbands emotions

  • 1 reply
  • 17 subscribers
  • Hi Lisa, my husband just had his voice box removed due to cancer, he has to write things down and gets very angry when I don't understand what he is writing or trying to say, where we live there is no support, even though I am trying so so hard, I will never leave, but sometimes I do take a walk to calm myself down, yet still feel guilty, i hope in time we will both be ok xxxx
  • Hello 

    Its nice to hear from you.

    Sorry to hear about your husband it sounds even harder for you. We are doing our best and are only human. It's hard when I'm being had a go at all the time. However I cannot imagine how it feels to be in my husband's shoes.

    I'm not sure if we will ever be the same again. Keep talking it will help us both I'm sure. 

    Lisa xxxx