Son I’m law 37yrd

  • 1 reply
  • 19 subscribers

Hi my son I’m law has been diagnosed with a rare blood cancer I am absolutely distraught for his as he’s only 37yrd he lived in dubai with my daughter who is 28weeks pregnant and their 5yr old son my grandson. With the shock of the diagnosis my daughter thought she was miscarrying I flew straight  out to dubai to help them luckily the baby and my daughter are ok but she is completely devastated I just don’t know what to say to her that will help and I feel so upset myself and I’ve just recently recovered from breast cancer myself 

  • Hi  and welcome to our community.

    Shock at a time like this is totally usual, if we look at Cancer and your emotions this is so very common.

    In terms of treatment etc most of the information on here will be related to the UK, though it is perhaps hard to think tat Dubai would be that different. We do have a small catalogue of pages on different forms of blood cancer here that might be helpful. 

    We also have information on talking to children than can also be helpful as it can be a very confusing time for them - if may of course also be a time of uncertainty with a new baby in the family too.

    Cannot say things will be easy but always feel you can come and share here - it can really help.



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