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Hi all I am a new member my dad got diagnosed with CLL  on Thursday, I'm with him now he lives with my brother he is 73, me and dad have always been so clinging with each other no bad words ever exchanged, sake withmy bro too ,I do everything for him travelling to and fro from my house to is while fitting in Job  starting 5am morn, constantly warn out , always on the phone to him sometimes 8vtimes a day,  last couple days he become quite snappy with me ,is this normal for someone who Been diagnosed, just tried to ressure him that the blood transfusion will be treating the cancer and got snapped at telling me to shut ,up ,and then and I can make is dinner ,getting quite upset as my dad never said bad word to me , I struggling I lost my mum last year to copd unexpectedly and I feel lost ,still struggling over my mum   I know it must be hard for dad as he was used to going out weekend to see mates in pub with me and now it's all changed   I don't know what to do or say just keep breaking down.

  • Hi  and welcome to our family on here, we are of course all a bit different but a little bit the same too.

    Sorry to hear about your mum, I know when I lost mine how difficult it felt as mum was very much lynchpin for our family. It sounds like you are feeling really overloaded so might not have time to deal with her loss but if you do find some time it might be helpful to talk to someone like cruse bereavement care.

    One thing I know I found difficult with my wife being ill was finding the time to look after myself. If we look at your feelings when someone has cancer I know I saw lots of things about me. I was touched recently when someone compared this to like putting on your own oxygen mask before trying to help someone else.

    I know my dad was never good about talking about his feelings and we only found out how ill he was rather later than might be useful. Then cancer does funny things to all sorts of moods as I am sure you know already.

    You know you have a great relationship for many years - and your dad is still there but that cancer bugger is getting in the way.

    Hope some of that helps, at least know you are not alone so post here whenever - we are always here for each other.



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  • Thankyou so much for the lovely msg x