Trying to cope

  • 2 replies
  • 19 subscribers

Hi all. 

my dad was diagnosed with lung cancer and secondary is his bone and liver. He was admitted to hospital last Sunday and was discharged last Thursday. He has come to live with us and I’m finding so hard to be positive and strong.  Every time someone shows me a bit of kindness I burst into tears. 

my husband is amazing and trying to support me and help me round the house and do the driving. 

im struggling with trying to keep up with all my dads tablets and his confusion and doctors appointments. I had to take him to the gp tonight as he is confused and in pain, and the doctor gave him medication and as soon as he had it, he vomited. I know he get’s embarrassed about things like this and I keep telling him not to worry. 

please can anyone give me any advice on support for him. 
thank you in advance x

  • Hi  

    Thank you for posting here, I think many of us recognize what you are talking about and that idea of being positive and strong - so easy to type - living it though - something else altogether. Totally get what you mean about a bit of kindness - Janice likes watching the repair shop and so often I find my eyes watering at how grateful people are.

    If we look at Your feelings when someone has cancer we might take comfort in how "normal" we are - people trying to cope with extra ordinary circumstances as the world changes around us - not easy is it.

    It is easy to become embarrassed by things we cannot help, perhaps it might be useful rather than looking at "do not worry" to perhaps identify the source as the cancer - I know some people give their cancer a name and then it can be easy to thing blame - whatever.



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  • Thanks Steve. 

    we had the oncologist yesterday who said my dads type of cancer is small cell lung cancer and has secondary in spine and liver. 
    the dr said that is so aggressive that they can’t offer any treatment. He said with my dads general health chemo will make things worse for him. Surgery was not an option. They did say about radiotherapy but it wouldn’t be a treatment either. 
    they didn’t give us a time which I am glad of but they did say time is short. 

    my dad will need to go into assisted living as I am unable to help him with  his showering and toileting just through dignity rather than anything else. His breathing is starting to wheeze when he lays down . They also said that I need to take time off work. Lucky for me I work in the same building where my dads cancer nurses are, and they are writing to my manager to advise that I really need to be off work right now. 

    I feel kind of numb and not really sure what I should be feeling. I’m exhausted and not sleeping properly. 

    im so pleased to hear that you wife is doing so well. Thank you for sharing your story with me. Thank you for the encouragement to hope even when you think things are at the worst. x