Daughter struggling with treatment

  • 2 replies
  • 20 subscribers

My 23yr old daughter has started her chemotherapy in tablet form she has begun to loose her hair and she’s got twin girls who are 1 and half yrs old. She’s struggling with looking after them her bones hurt she can hardly move. She struggles with crippling anxiety and this has peaked. She is too ill to work so money is a struggle. I’m struggling offering all support she needs help would be appreciated 

  • Hi  

    So sorry to hear about your daughter - I can only really imagine the pain of a child having cancer especially when they are a parent too.

    I am not at all surprised that you are struggling too, looking at Your feelings when someone has cancer it is easy to think of the emotions we might be going through.

    I think it might help you to talk with one of our helpline advisors on 0808 808 0000 about what support might be available to you both so that this time can be the best if could be.



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  • Hi BrummieAnn

                             Every one of us is going through our own journey but yours has many simillarities to mine. My Daughter is 26 and has very quickly advancing, incurable cancer, she about to start intensive radiotherapy. It feels so overwhelming ,and as a Mum there are so many things you are trying to help with and simply can't make better. I have been a Nurse for many years and it sounds like more could be done for your Daughter to alleviate her pain and anxiety. Has she got an oncology team involved? They should be helping with symptom management, if not GP should. 

    On the finance front, we are going to apply for PIP when my daughters sick pay stops, you can gain advice from this site and we are getting support from our local cancer care centre with applying for it. 

    I have sought support from a local cancer charity to try and keep myself sane, so that i can look after my daughter, husband and other children. I have definately found this helpful.

    I know it is hard to find the time and head space to deal with all the practicalities at the same time as dealing with the emotional stuff. Please take up any offers of help. 

    If you want to share with someone I am here

    Sending strength and a hug xx