My sister

  • 1 reply
  • 17 subscribers

My sister has just been told her cancer is far too advanced for anymore chemotherapy.  We're all rather upset but trying to be brave for her. I want to ask her how she's feeling etc but at the same time don't want upset her or cry even more. 

We know time left is short and are making the most with memories, pictures and catching up everyday.

I know you shouldn't say "you don't look good today" or "I understand how you feel" . But it's not always easy to find the right thing to say

  • Hi  

    Sorry to hear about your sister and the news about the chemotherapy, hopefully the doctors will now be doing everything to keep her as comfortable as possible so you get to make the best of the situation.

    One thing we used to say on here is "when you do not know what to say, a hug speaks a thousand words". What might be helpful too may be to look at What to say to someone who has cancer



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