My wife and I are struggling

  • 2 replies
  • 19 subscribers

10 years ago my wife was first diagnosed with breast cancer.

Many battles over the years and my great wife now is on her final fight.

We don't have many options left, unfortunately this placed a huge strain on our relationship, I had personal losses over the last 2 years my daughter to COVID, my father to COVID, my mother to a brain bleed. Also trying to stand strong I almost had a mental breakdown and I became angry and grumpy.

As well as running my own business which I nearly lost.

This led to my wife and I having a huge argument, I raised my hand not like me at all, did not hit her but it was close, I'm so angry at myself.

But this resulted in me leaving this was September the 8th 2022.

We stay in touch we are trying to sort our relationship out but my wife is getting more ill, I feel useless and don't know how to fix this.

And I'm not sure if I want to as my life has been easier but this is wrong I'm sure.

I'm so confused, I sound selfish, any advice would be grateful 

  • Hi  

    Thanks for posting here and being so open about your issues. We do often here on here the "I need to be strong" message - much easier to write than to do though. With everything you have been going through totally unsurprising really that you became angry and grumpy; often we hear too hurt the ones we love the most. I was at a friends funeral a little while back and the celebrant said "grief is the price we pay for love". It might of course be too that you are both feeling pre-grief - the loss of the life you hoped for together and that can be very painful.

    I wonder if it might help to talk to someone - I know I was really helped when I visited our local Maggies - and cried for about an hour, if you look at our in your area tool you will be able to find support groups near you and there will be people in the same sort of situation as you.



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  • Thank you Steve

    I will look into that for sure