Feeling so helpless

  • 2 replies
  • 19 subscribers

Hi everyone, my older brother was recently diagnosed with stage four cancer (colon, bowel...and is spreading up the stomach and lungs). I live abroad and have been flying home regularly to show support for him and my family. I am now back home again for four weeks as he has just started chemotherapy, but after 2 sessions, he is not managing well with the therapy at all. He keeps being sick and getting a fever - as a result, he has been in A&E twice in the last two days. It is absolutely heartbreaking seeing him suffer like this, and I feel for his poor wife who is not sleeping in case she has to take him back to the hospital. I cannot physically see him right now as I am recovering from a cold, and I feel absolutely helpless!

Is this a 'normal' reaction to chemotherapy? Or is this a sign that this is just too much for his body to take..?

  • Hi  

    Sorry to hear about your brother, there is a whole collection of information on chemotherapy on our main site here.

    Certainly when my wife was going through chemotherapy she was sick a few times and did get a fever on a few occasions, when that happened she was admitted to be given IV antibiotics - that was of course before covid.

    Looking at you for a second though it might be worth looking at Your feelings when someone has cancer as that perhaps might make you feel less helpless - because you are there for your brother and I am sure that means a lot to him.



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  • Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. I am sorry to hear your wife has been through this.

    I definitely need to read more about what to expect. My brother has now had two infections since starting chemo. The antibiotics are working and he is feeling a bit better. But this has of course delayed the next round of treatment. I am hoping to see him today for the first time in weeks and will be making the most of it before he starts chemo again.