Uncertain Times

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  • 19 subscribers


My Mum has Multiple Myeloma and was diagnosed in 2017. Recently she was advised by her consultant that her Chemotherapy was no longer working and had started to attack her healthy plasma cells as well as her cancerous ones. Mum was sent for a CT Scan and it turned out that her Myeloma had progressed, and she had a legion on her spine which was causing Spinal Cord Compression, Mum was taken to Addenbrookes Hospital for Radiotherapy to zap the legion on her spine that was causing so much pain.

Today Mum is starting a new Chemo treatment ( New to her ) and we are so concerned for her as she is so frail. There is more to Mums story, but I just wanted to introduce myself so I can share my worries and concerns with other likeminded relatives.

Thank you Slight smile

  • Hi

    Hope the treatment works, fairly familiar with Addenbrookes as my mum was there for over 6 months after she broke her hip. A great plus there is the Maggie's centre.

    Happy to see you here, though of course we all recognize that we wish nobody ever needed to join this family.



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