Waiting for news

  • 2 replies
  • 19 subscribers

Hi. I'm new to the forum.

My Dad has lung cancer and I suppose I'm his main support person. He started the diagnostic process at the end of August and the process for diagnostic tests has meant he has not yet started treatment. In the time we have waited his condition has deteriorated. He is in so much pain, he phoned me up crying the other day. He has also lost a lot of weight.

We had an oncology appointment last week and the Dr was concerned the tumour has spread further into his chest and may now be untreatable. He has had yet another CT scan and we are waiting for the result. I volunteered myself to receive the news by phone because my Dad gets very muddled with all the information.

I'm terrified I'm going to receive a bad news call tomorrow. I would also then have to share the news with my lovely Dad and relatives. I feel like I'm breaking, but if I break now how do I keep going. 

I just needed to share my fears. Thanks for reading 

  • Hi

    We all recognize the pain of waiting and it is so easy to become overwhelmed with fear. I know I needed to do a living with less stress course and it helps to keep me somewhere in some sense of control - even if really we can recognize we never have the control we really think. 

    You are so right to recognize the importance of reaching out because if we break then what happens next. As the old saying goes 'a friend in need is a friend indeed' and so welcome to our group of friends linked by the most unlikely position possible.



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