New and worried

  • 1 reply
  • 19 subscribers

Hi all

Im new to this group and a bit out of my depth with things. Its my grandmother who is not well. She is 91 and still in her own home but getting frailer all the time. She has had a few scans over the last year but the last one was a pet scan due to her having a couple of nodules on her lung. She has now been given an appointment to see a specialist at the respiratory medicine and thoracic clinic. She has never had asthma or any lung problems before. She has had breast cancer and eye cancer about 35 years ago. I'm so concerned about what this appointment is for and if its bad news where do I start to get the right help for her.

My mind is racing and full of questions. Am I just over thinking everything or should I be putting things in place

  • Hi @nannie and welcome to our community though sorry to hear about your nan.

    PET scans can pick up all sorts of things, I know my wife had many appointments with respiratory medicine when they thought she might have sarcoidosis but then subsequently found leiomyosarcoma.

    It is natural to be concerned about your nan, it will probably help when they know what is going on and I am sure the doctors will be doing their best right now.



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