Dealing with side effects of treatment, trying to help Dad through severe bout of diarrhoea

  • 2 replies
  • 19 subscribers

Hello there,  I’m new to the forum, glad to find this community.

My Dad has melanoma, which recently spread to the lungs. My immediate concern is that he has severe diarrhoea, (possibly a side effect of immunotherapy - nivolumab, ipilimumab, and/or antibiotics).

I’ve come to look after him, and am worried and shocked to see how much weight he’s lost (2 stone in a few days). He seems able to keep down some fluid. Though is still sometimes vomiting and frequently having to use the toilet. My concern is how best to help rehydrate him and hopefully get some nutrition back into his body?

I have phoned his care line, but not been able to ascertain practical advice on what are the best things to try to get into his body for managing it/healing. He is only having small sips, every little bit feels important and want try to make sure we are getting the right things in to him and making it count. The diarrhoea has been going on for weeks but recently escalated. For anyone else who has been dealing with similar symptoms, or has knowledge in this area I would be grateful for any advice on whether any of the following are recommended or any other recommendations/things to steer clear of?

electrolytes in water

Coconut water - electrolyte replacement

Kefir - gut health

Homemade in the nutribullet/blender:

Alpro (soy) smoothie with protein powder

Apple + water

Carrot + water

Additions to smoothies/juices: tumeric root, ginger, lemon, honey, slippery elm...

I am worried about how rapidly he has been losing weight and how long this can go on for? He is very frail.

With many thanks for any advice or signposting where I should go to ask, thank you.